Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Super Spooky Night

On the night of Friday, October 13th, something unusual happened. The strange happenings took place at a deadly haunted house located in a jail in the Artic Tundra. The jail owner allowed three thrilled thrashing inmates out of their cells to participate in the haunted house. Two hundred fifty teenagers entered this deadly place. Fifty came out without a mark or scratch. The other two hundred will never be seen again. A shooting star disappear into the night sky explains how quickly the haunted house goers are vanishing.
Once the numbers were shown to Bobness, the jail and haunted house owner, he had to do something about this tragedy. He made up his mind to take the inmates who were the murderors, rapists, and decapitators out of the haunted house and put them back in their jail cells. As Bobness was walking Frank, Boo, and Zagnar back to their cells, Zagnar took out his gun and shot a bullet at Bobness’s chest. Once the police heard the loud gun shot they immediately took control. That case was settled. Now two jail employees Melisa and Zani have to run the scary but not deadly haunted house.
Every five seconds people two miles away could hear Kaboom as the kids in the haunted house crashed tripping over the invisible stairs. Immediately after they tripped they began to cry, and they cried for weeks.
The kids who went through the haunted house looked different when they came out compared to when they entered. Their hair was a totally different style, and color. Their clothes were all smoky like they had just come from a campfire. The area around this jailhouse was completely packed. Boo was in his jail cell when he text messaged Melisa’s cell phone. This is what his message said. “I was lucky to survive that place. The fire and invisible stairs could kill just about anybody. Melisa don’t try it, no matter what. It was worse than a war.”

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