Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Online Venues Help Grieving After VT Tragedy

]Here is an interesting story about how families and friends of those
affected by the mass shooting at [ ]Virginia Tech are
using technology to cope.
Our thoughts are with the Hokies.


Njp1092 said...

That was so crazy what happended. He also sent a video into NBC News showing pictures of him before it happended. It was really disturbing.

MPO said...

I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a tragedy like that effect me personally. My brother goes to college at FSU and I've grown completely paranoid that some pyscho is going to try and beat the new massacre record on his campus. There was a woman on the news who had a really interesting quote, "It's a sad day when we have to fear getting an education." How do we know we'll ever be safe?

aac said...

I would never expect what happened to happen especally at Virginia Tech ( a decent school). This person had to have been absolutly crazy to do something that bizar.

jrb said...

I cant belive another shooting happend. My family friend went to columbine when the shooting went on. He said it was the scariest thing that he ever went through. He is now head of the gun club.