Friday, February 16, 2007

MySpace Memorials

Check out this article--very cool.


aac said...

Ms. Lambard this article was very interesting. It's so sad and depreasing to see that young kids and adults use the internet in a bad way. MySpace was created for friends to talk and post comments on pictures not to be used to attack a person. There was nver a downfault in this article.

aac said...


PMP said...

This is a great article but also very sad about all those teens that died and are know being mourned by everyone. That is cool how thier friends have taken myspace and turned it into a memorial type thing .

MPO said...

It's interesting that this article came up, because my good friend in Delray recently lost one of her good friends in a very tragic accident, and he had myspace and all his friends are leaving him messages just like those. :[

JMR1 said...

Wow, that was a very horiific way to leave the world.This was a very intesting article and things like this happen everyday.

RSS said...

I've actually seen some of these sites. It's sad how some kids die so young, cancer, kidnapping, car accidents. I just wish these things never happened.