Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Free donuts on friday!

Just kidding. But now that I have your attention, I want to tell you all about a sensational book that I'm reading. It's called "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picoult. Some of you probably think it's lame to read and recommend books, but this novel is the most intense, interesting one I've read in a very long time. It involves a teenage girl in ninth grade and her relationship with her family, people in her school, and how she handles everything that happens around her. She goes through tragedy and some of the worst possible situations imaginable for a high school student, and boys and girls combined would enjoy reading about some of these incidents that make you never want to put the book down. If anyone wants to, they can borrow it from me after I finish it!


cmg0125 said...

That sounds like an interesting book. Here's a thought; maybe we should read it in class before the end of the year.

KT said...

I Know that sound very interesting i agree with CMG0125

MPO said...

well, it is a great book but I don't think it's ok for school because it has VERY mature topics and things that are probably way too intense for school use. But I really reccomend it for outside of school!

ChristinaL said...

First, your title was a great attention-getter! As I was reading, I almost said out loud "Free donuts? WHERE?!" :)
I'm glad you read this book and are able to give me a preview. I received it for Christmas, but haven't had a chnace to start it yet. :(
Thanks for the heads up on such a wonderful book!

aac said...

Sounds like a interesting and enjoyable book to read. From your interview on this book I think I should read it. I dont read many books. Where did you get it at, I'd like to raead it someday.