Saturday, December 02, 2006

In Baghdad at least 43 people died from a triple car bombing. Three cars exploded wounding 91 people. The bombings happened in a busy shopping district which is predominantly shiite populated called al-Sadriyah. Lots of people were shopping. This attack came shortly after a bombing that killed 215 people. In the al-Sadriyah the bombs were 100 yards apart and went off at the same time. Bombs sent smoke flying into the air of the popular shopping district. Making it hard for people to see. This district is located in an alley which made it very hard to get rescue trucks to the wounded. Nobody has taken responsibilities for these attacks. More attacks took place on the same day. For instence there was fierce fighting against sunni insurgents and there was a drive by shooting.

1. Why do you think the attackers chose to bomb al-Sadriyah?

2. Do you think the other attacks that took place on the smae day could be connected? Why or why not?


ABG said...

In the second question I meant same day sorry.

EMG said...

1. I think the bombers chose to bomb there because there were alot of people shopping so there would be alot of victims. also because it was hard to send medical help to that area.

2. I think that the other bombings could be connected because they were all only 100 yards apart and they all went off at the same exact time.

M.M293 said...

1. I think the bombers chose to bomb because they knew there would be a lot of people there and it would be easy to get away after they did it

2.The other bombings could be from two other people in there terroist group because they probably had some communication about when to bomb

jrb said...

1. I think the bombers chose to bombe there because its an alley way and its hard to get to the wounded.
2. I think that the bombings were connected because it caused more smoke for it to be hard to see. Also they were only 100 yards away.

ChristinaL said...

Sadly, it seems we see new stories about people being killed in Iraq nearly every day. Do you think it has desensitized people to the death and injury occuring over there?

aac said...

1. I think that the attackers chose this shopping district because ther were tons of people in a small area. Plus it is hard to seek quick medicial help because of being located in a narrow ally way.

2. I believe that the other bombings are related to this one because they were set off at the same time and only 100 yards away. This makes me believe that a group of terrists did this, and a person from the group set off a different bomb.

JME said...

1) I think that the attackers chose to bomb al-Sadriah because they knew it was a vulnerable place to attack and kill or wound hundreds of people.
2) Yes, becuase the bombs exploded 100 yards away at the same time. It's pretty convincing that it was planned for maximum killing and chaos. Especially since there was so much smoke that it was hard to see.

cmg0125 said...

1-The bombers probably chose to bomb al-Sadriyah because they knew that many people would be there. Also because it was located in an alley so it would be hard to rescue people quickly.

2-Yes, I do think that other attacks that took place on the same day could be connected. I think that because there may be an alliance between two countries and they decided to attack al-Sadriyah.

VS said...

1. I think the bombers chose to attack the shopping center becuase it was a public place where alot of peple went and by killing many people they could make a statement.

2. Yes, I do think the bombs were connected becuase they went off at the exact same time. I mean it could be a conicidence, but I think not.

nsj said...

1. I think the bombers chose to bomb the shopping center because there are a lot of people there. Also, the public shopping center is a good target for them to kill all those people.
2. I think the bombs were connected because the bombs were seperated 100 yards each and went off at the same time.

PMP said...

Great story this needs to be brought up because it is a very crucial event for america to handle these people.
1.) I think the bombres chose this place because it was secluded back in an alley way where rescue vehicles could not get throughto help people that were wounded.

2.) Well no I dont think the other attacks could be connected because there are many groups there that do these things. So I dont think they would strike again after blowing up the three cars.

jp11 said...

1. I think the bombers chose that location because it had many people there and there would be so much confusion after the explosion that they would not be able to be caught

2. I think the bombing are connected because they were on the same day and were close together

JMR1 said...

1. I think they made that their location because it was a popular district so a mass amount of people that can get killed.And probably because there was a less chance for them to be caught.

2.Yes.Since they did go off at the same time thats pretty ironic so its most likely to be linked.

Njp1092 said...

Thats a good story, but it seems to be thats all thats happening in this world, bombings. Its so cruel and I dont know why anyone would do it.

1. Beacause maybe its a main shopping area so there would be alot of people there so it would be more effictve.

2.Yes i do think they could be connected, I mean 2 bombings in the same day, possible but not a cowincidince. 215 is a lot of people and then another bombing i really think that was planned.

All in all it was a good story, but theres way to many bombings.

CF101 said...

1.)I think the bombers choose to bomb a that loacation because , there was a lot of people shopping there at the time and they new there would be a lot of victims from the bombings.
2.) I think the bombings were realted because both of the attacks occured in such and close area and within they same amount of time so they had to have had to be conneceted some way.

AM said...

1) I think the bombers chose to bomob there because since it was a shopping place, there would be a lot of people.
2) I think the other bombings could be connected because they were very near to each other, and an attack is very odd.

MCR said...

1. I think the car bomers choses al-Sadriyah is it is a populated area of people and it is a shopping center for people.
2.I think that the car boms that went off the same day are related. The reason I think that because who ever did that or group did that are trying to make a pont. They eant the U.S out of there country. Yee, we shouild get out of there but the car bombings that are happing shouldn't happen to the citzens of Iraq they should happen to the troops stationed there. I'm saying that car bomings are wrong but if another country was in the U.S how do you think we would get them out if asking them wouldn't work?

RSS said...

1. I believe the attackers chose to bomb al-Sadriyah because many people were there and it was more likely to kill more people.

2. Just because they are the same day doesn't mean that they are connected; but, I think that these two attacks are because they were only 100 yards apart.

D.S. said...

1.I think that they did it because of all the other people and that is because of religion and beliefe and it was such an easy target.
2.I think that most of the bombings are always linked within the same day.