Sunday, December 03, 2006

Remember Christopher Reeve's quote about "America is a family"? We will be adopting a less fortunate child this year in my class through the Salvation Army Angel Tree program.
Her name is Joanna, she is two years old and wears 4T sizes in shirts and pants. Her shoe size is 7 1/2 (in kids). If you don't have a two-year old in your life, they love Sponge Bob and Dora the Explorer, and girls love all that princess/dress up stuff. Anything I forgot that she might enjoy? Comment to this post and let me know.
I would like for you to bring in anything NEW you think this little girl would enjoy. I will buy her "main gift," which is a doll house. If you want to get together as a class and get her something, that would be wonderful as well (you can discuss all of this here on the blog if you want).
All of the items must be to me by December 14 so I can return it to the drop-off location.
Thank you for remembering that there are others who have less than we do.


Njp1092 said...

I think this is a good idea to help the needy out, beacuse there are alot of people who have less than us.

cmg0125 said...

I know exactly what to get because I have a little cousin that is 3 now and my mom always baught her clothes & toys. My mommy is sitting right next to me right now and thinks that this is a great idea, and so do I.

AM said...

I think it's a wonderful idea to help people who have less than we do, and to make their lifes a little better.
I think it's a great thing.

RSS said...

I really love this idea. I don't really know what little girls like...all my baby cousins are boys.

Where does she live, anyway?

JMR1 said...

I will be putting in alot for this child. I have 2 little sisters myself one is 7 and the other 3. Also have a brother 6 but he lives in New Jersey.