Wednesday, September 12, 2007


i like dont know how to use the blog bc i never used it.hahahahhaha. whats yer room number??? i wanna come and visit youh, and oh whuts ms.thompsons room numberrr?!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How is high school?

Hey everyone it is Mark. You probably know that i moved to MN. I was just wondering how MSD was. I don't start school for another 2 weeks. So have fun at Msd.

Friday, August 17, 2007

bye blog..

i can't believe we're starting high school on monday. liz and I will visit all the time ms. lambard!!!!! :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Hey everyone, guess what? Today is my 14th birthday, im having lots of fun and I´m starting to like being 14... hahaha. Well I hope everyone is having a terrific summer.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bye Bye Blogs!

Hey guys! Just a heads up for those of you who are still checking the
blogs....I'll be removing your access to the blogs the week of August 13.
Sorry to do this, but I hope you understand I have to make way for the new
If you create your own blogging group, shoot me an email. I'll love to see
what everyone is up to! Keep reading and writing, and best of luck to
everyone in high school! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hello all hope everyones having the best summer ever cause I'm having the best time of my life!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Hi everyone, I miss sixth hour sooooo much Ms. Lambard was the best teacher EVER

Friday, June 08, 2007


My summer has been awsome so far i went to New york then I just hung out with my friends, i might be going to atlantis then im going back to new york. then im comming home then im going to virgina then im going to my beach house in north carolina then im comming home then im going back to new york for my family picnic then i am gonna be home for the rest of the summer... what is everyone elese doing??? I miss 6th hour already!!!! :(

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Summer Reading

I hope you are all enjoying your first weekend out of school--too bad it's
so rainy! But rainy days are great days for reading, so here are your
summer reading books:
If you are in regular English I, you need to read "They Cage the Animals
at Night." Students who received my signature for Honors English I need to
read "The Marino Mission."
Right now I'm reading a book called "The Glass Castle," which is a memoir.
So far it's pretty good.
I'll be checking in regularly, so let everyone know how your summer is

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hey everyone!
Although it was really sad to walk through the doors thinking it was the last time we would in Westglades Middle, this year has been the best out of all the three I've had in Westglades. Ms. Lambard has taught us so many different things, and it was all in a fun way!!! I loved it. I really enjoyed reading the 'Mockingbird' and 'The Pearl' books, they were really cool. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and to those of you I might not see again, have a wonderful high school year and I'm sure everyone in Ms. Lambard's sixth period class has a great future waiting for them, because every single one of you were extremely great friends and people to hang out with. So I really hope you enjoy 'life-after-middle school' and have a great summer. And I will come visit you everyday Ms. Lambard. :-)
PS- I hope we can keep the blog. ;-)

is there a book we have to read for the summer

is there a book we have to read for the summer if there is i wanna get started on ot for the summer. thanks get back to me as soon as possible.

Monday, May 28, 2007

iTunes ?

Alright, my little tech-savvy kids, a question for you:
If I can import a CD into iTunes, can I import my DVDs to watch on my new
Let me know, please!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen

These are the lyrics to an inspirational song on one of my really old "Now That's What I Call Music" cd's. The song is called "Everybody's Free" by Baz Lurmann and I just think the lyrics provide a great outlook on life.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97... wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be IT.

The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.

You are NOT as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.

Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself, either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's. Enjoy your body, use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance. Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings; they are your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Solutions in progress (click on this--it's a video don't worry)

So, I know that I have been posting a lot of Global warming stuff, but this problem is imminant and something I'm really passionate about. Global warming isn't a far-off issue that we'll get done tommarow. We have to start soon, now even. So if you know how to do it, maybe you'll be interested in making a difference. (forgive me for sounding a little cliche`)
In each of these videos (I'm including the one at the bottom) people are finding ways to save money and help the environment--which, duh, helps us and the whole world. Just take the time to watch the vidoes, both of them only total less than ten minutes.
Related video about a small town that uses it's garbage for energy:

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Writing Scores

The FCAT writing scores are now available on Virtual Counselor. (Pull down
the menu bar to SSS Writing Scores).
I am incredibly proud of ALL of you! Great job! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Please read this,it means sooo much.

Hey everybody, it's Jay and I don't usually watch American Idol but this time I did. Please read what I am about to say. Now on American Idol they are having a charity for poor, starving, sick and/or impoverished children who are hopelessly dying in Africa and they desperately need help. You and your family can help by donating even $5. It is so much if everybody donates a small amount of money, though the more the better. You can pay online by going to the idol website or pay with your credit card over the phone by calling this number: 1-877-IDOL-AID. Please tell your parents about it. A child dies every 30 seconds from Malaria.Every 30 seconds a child is orphaned in Africa directly do to AIDS.It's amazing how these kids are born to die so young. Remember, it's only a matter of opening your heart to a couple of things and simply making a choice if you want to help or not. The charity is called Idol Gives Back and it is donating all proceeds. So please tell your family about it and donate what you can afford and remember the tragedy that these kids go through each day of their pitiful, painstaking lives that are full of horror every minute. Thank you so much and I think I speak for the children of Africa too.

Monday, April 23, 2007

"The World After Oil" in Smithsonian Magazine

This is a cool article that relates much of what you guys have been discussing here on the blog.

Using corn is a good alternative, but then the question becomes, do you use up the land and water to grow the corn? Is that any worse than mining for coal or drilling for oil?

Decide the pros and cons for yourself, but remember this is a very real topic for you. Fuel will radically change within your lifetime.

Alec Baldwin: Different Perspective

As you all know last week our class had a little debate about what Alec Baldwin said to his 11 year old daughter in a voicemail. Most of us decided he was completely out of line, etc. But here is a woman's perspective who got me thinking about his side. Go to this link to read more:>1=7701&mpc=1

Hey everyone

What did everyone do this weekend?

State your opinion

I know someone who is in the process of creating a new website, like myspace, but safer. The concept is each member has to pay over a visa card $5 a year. This way, the owner of the website can make sure each member is who he says he is, and that children need parent permission to access the credit card needed to pay for a membership. The owner thinks this will make more kids be allowed to have an account because the parents will be informed about it, and it will be safer. Since you guys are the potential consumers of this new webpage, I'd appreciate your input on the subject. Would you use a website like this, and why or why not?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I was wondering...

Has anyone seen An Inconvieniant Truth? If you have, what do you think? Well, over all, what do you think about Global Warming?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Web Me

What is the website that we used in class today!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Online Venues Help Grieving After VT Tragedy

]Here is an interesting story about how families and friends of those
affected by the mass shooting at [ ]Virginia Tech are
using technology to cope.
Our thoughts are with the Hokies.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Connections to Hurtful History?

Throughout our discussions before and during the reading of "To Kill A Mockingbird" racism, prejudice and injustice are three of the main topics we've covered.

Think about some of the current events we've read on this blog, talked about in class, or that you may have read about outside of class. How are these three themes still active in today's society?

For example, radio host Don Imus was fired this week for using racially-insensitive terms on his show in reference to the Rutgers' female basketball players. After apologizing to the team, Imus (and others) state there are still racial slurs and derogatory remarks being hurled in every day society, especially rap music--and that those performers should be addressed as well.

What do you think? How can you connect these incidents to the book we're reading? Some of your listen to/purchase/download music with such terms. Do you think by listening you are encouraging the use of such words? Explain your answers, including links to information if possible.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Is the bookmarks page blocked, under construction, or what because both my moms laptop and my dell computer would not let me axcess it but it allows to axcess every other webpage? If you think you know something HELP ME!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Help Me!!

I am missimg my copy of To Kill A Mockingbird. If you see it please reture it to me(Alyssa). It doen't have my name in it but it has highlighted marks and a folded corner. Thanks!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"The Pearl" at B&N

Just so you know, two dozen copies of "The Pearl" will be waiting behind
the front counter at Barnes & Noble on University in about a week for $8
each. I will let you know when they arrive, but be sure to ask at the
front counter using the school name.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Oh My God!

I just looked at the world cluster map and I saw the dots almost every where in the world! That is so sick!

help with the webquest.

I don't really understand what the webquest is about, i looked at it and there was to much going on. Can someone explain to me what we have to do?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Welcome Back!

Just when you think the world is full of bad things, a video like this

comes along. At one point, it
was YouTube's most viewed clip.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Happy Wedding Day!

Congratulations Mrs. Lambard!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

question on tkam

I dont understand the part about the rabid dog, why did they have to kill it?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I konw our homework was to edit any changes on the wiki. I did believe their needed any changes done to it so I didn't change anything. Did you change anything? Post your response.

Wikipedia Article

I told you Wikipedia can be "dangerous!" :)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Response from Apple

I received my response from Apple yesterday about the program I was applying to (remember the video?)
I wasn't accepted for this year's program, but wanted you guys to know how much I appreciate your help with the process. Thanks for being so supportive.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blog Feedback

Our writing has been affected by the use of blogs because we have to make sure our words are spelled correctly.

Yes, my knowledge of current events has grown since doing the current events because when it was my turn to do the homework, I looked at several articles to work on. I also like to read the articles that other students in my class have done and it helps me learn more about what is going on in the world.

Weekend Homework

My group and I believe our writing has been affected dramatically by the use of blogs. We understand the importance of correct grammar online and how to use spellcheck, along with many other cool graphics to use when blogging. To show the improvement of our class' writing, we would distinguish a post where the whole class responded to a post by Ms. Lambard because it shows we pay attention and we know to use grammar on the blog. We think using correct capitalization and punctuation is important when blogging because it helps us to practice using good grammar when online, and we need to maintain that for when we write on paper. Current Events have become more understandable to us through the blog. We can get instant feedback from our classmates about things that are happening around the world, which makes us all feel connected. Our favorite current event was posted about life in Israel, posted by our new student from there. It was interesting to learn the cultures of a country so far away. Posting shouldn't be a requirement, but everyone should realize the importance of blogging and how it helps bring our classroom more educated and technologically advanced. It can be really fun to blog!

Blog Feedback

We have learned to like reach deeper and find the best possible answer to questions. We have also learned to be able to write good responses and think thoroughly.

Yes because our blogs are being used all over the country which are representing our school. This then puts out a good message about our school. Another reason is because if we do not use good spelling and things we dont get good grades.

We now know what is going on in the world and see what the worldis like. We are able to also express our thoughts about what is going on in the world.

The Brittany Spears post because it was a very crazy and interesting story about a young lady who through everything away.

Feed Back For Blog

1. By writing on the blog, we use better and are more familiar with the spelling of words.

2. The posts at the start of this project were filled with errors, but as we got closer to now the grammar has improved.

3. Yes, students need to use correct spelling and grammar, because in our future careers we will be expected to use it.

4. We are more concious of the news taking place in the world.

5. The current event we enjoyed best was the one about the Saddam hanging,because it was interesting to see what our fellow classmates thought about the idea of cruel punishment to criminals.

6. The specific skills we have become more advanced in because of the use of the blog would have to be the skill of typing better.

Blog feed back

1. How has your writing been affected by the blogs?
Answer: Our writing has been affected by the blog because with practice every day writing our skills increase the more we write.
2. Which post would you use to prove that writing can be improved through the blogs?
Answer: The post that I would use is to take a post from a student at the beging of the school year and at the end of the year take another one form the same student and see how well he/she has improved in witting.
3. Do you think that students should use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitulation? Why or Why not?
Answer: It gets the student familiar with writing properly using correct grammar, punctuation, and capituzation.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Party With The Teachers

Beer Bottles

Literally; imagine partying with your teachers while they sell you and your pupils bottles of beer for $5 each. John Clark, the assistant principle of the school, and his wife Mary Clark, a teacher of another school, were the two who hosted the wild festivity. Read this eye-ataching article to read more!


Are we still commenting and posting current eventson the blog?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Need a Good Book?

Recently, I borrowed three books from Ms. Lambard that were so good, I couldn't put them down. I read "Stuck In Neutral", "Confessions of a Closet Catholic", and "Shattering Glass" all within two weeks. If you're ever in need of a good book, ask for a recommendation from our favorite language arts teacher. :]

Monday, March 12, 2007


All of these posts are so old and boring! Someone write a New Post Please!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Check out this video on MTV: Diary of Jay-Z, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 (c) 2005 MTV Networks. (c) and

In our own state there is MODERN slavery.

There is modern day slavery IN THE U.S. I don't know about you guys, but I'm really disgusted that people are living like this.

Here are some other links:

Sunday, March 04, 2007


So how was everyones weekend? Mine was ok but I remembered we have F-CAT this week!! That brought my sprits down. Well respond what you did!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Field Trip

Don't forget the Lion Country Safari Trip is in one week and FCAT Science Monday.


***For your weekend homework, read next week's classwork page and follow the Atomic Learning link. I want you to become more familiar with GarageBand to assist with your podcast. You should also come to class with at least four to seven photos for your podcast. Don't forget to copy/write down the names of the photographers and web sites you retrieved the photos from. You will be expected to record a final version of your book review the first day I see you in between testing.***

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The field trips should be fun! :) <3

Woah! It seems like our teachers are bringing us on so many cool field trips this year! Next friday Lion Country Safari, and in May Islands of Adventure!! Who's going on either of those? Comment and let me know :)


Wow. This is my first time ever posting this type of post. (That did make sense right?) Well I just wanted to ask did anyone else think the Math FCAT was hard? Because I thought it was soooo hard =[

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Answer Me!

Are we posting current events this week?

Friday, February 23, 2007


I cant believe its the weekend already. But the worst thing is is that we all have FCAT on Monday and Tuesday. All you have to do is just go to bed early and EAT breakfast in the morning. Just so you all know Nick and I are going to the Keys over the weekend and going paint balling on a remote island. Its going to be so much fun and wish us luck so that we don't kill each other... Just kidding.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Don't Forget!

Tomorrow is Spirit Day at our school. You can wear any of the school's shirts or just the colors of our school!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Current Event!

This article was about Britney Spears' struggle in rehab. Since her divorce with Kevin Federline, she has been in a state of break-down and has done extreme things like shave her head, tattoo her wrist, and check herself into rehab, only to check out the same day.

My question: How do you think you would feel if you were a celebrity and everyone around the world had access to your personal business?

Letter to the Editor

Remember, you could always write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about something that concerns you.
Teenagers have something to say; let your voice be heard!

Not What He Thought....

When I give my *usual lectures* about the importance of hard work, staying focused in school and striving to achieve more, it's because things like this happen.
The young man at the beginning of this story thought he would "see the country," but he ended up on a dead-end street.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ghost Rider Lights Up Box Office

Nicholas Cage's new movie Ghost Rider made 44.5 million dollars on its opening week. The movie is based on Marvel's famous comic book Ghost Rider. The opening for Ghost Rider beat his old movie National Treasure by 9.1 Million dollars. Also coming out in the summer are Spider Man 3 and Fantastic Four 2

For This Article Click the Title

What do you think about the sucess of this movie?

Current events?

Its my turn to post a current event next time, but since MM didn't post do I still have to? I think it would be an interesting punishment; If someone skips posting a current event, they should post TWO current events!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Current Event

It's your time for the current event MM! Don't forget to post by 9 p.m tonight! For everyone else, you have to post before 9 p.m Sunday night.

MySpace Memorials

Check out this article--very cool.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Maxium Ride

Well sorry for not explaining what its about. its about these kids that live on their own and they can fly!! So their living on their own and the eraser which are wolfs that chase them down and they are searching to find out about their parents while being hunted! Very action packed!!!

Maxium Ride

Well as you probably know I have been reading the book Maxium Ride and its getting very good and im almost done, I adivse you if you can to read the book. It has a lot of action but it takes some time to understand but other than that its great!!!


Hi everyone is anybody interested in sports at Westglades! I also made the track team, our first meet is Thursday and I get my uniform on Friday!

photo from my country

If you want learn on my country click on the title.
(Click on "People of Israel" photo essay and comment.)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Know How Much We All Really Like To Read!

Must of us don't read in our spare time but if you do there is a great book out there! It's one of my favorites! Hoot, yeah Hoot thats the name of it! Right now i'm reading the sequel. Hoot is a novel about a few boys who doa few wrong things but in the end they were doing them for a good cause; to save some owls and their habitat. I don't want to give the story away so just read it and post what you think! Get To It!

Current Events

Where on the website do you find who is posting the current event?

No School Monday!

OK now that I have caught your eyes I want to tell you about my book I am reading. We really don't have school Monday by the way. Well anyway the book I am reading is called The Measure of a Man By Sidney Poitier. It is a spiritual autobiography of Sidney, who if you did not know was the first African American to win the Academy Award in 1963 for best actor in Lilies of the Field. This book is a great book about the life of Sidney I am not far in it but so far its about him and his adventures in life. Another thing it talks about is how he has to try to help his family out. I recommend this book to anyone.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


It's Tuesday! Who's posting the current event?

Pizza Party!

Canned Food.

Don't forget! If you want to bring in canned foods, make sure you do so by tomorrow! Not everyone has to bring in 10 cans -- out of a thousand -- as NJP1092 is going to do. If everyone brings in at least 3 or 4 we might win the pizza party for our class!

Free donuts on friday!

Just kidding. But now that I have your attention, I want to tell you all about a sensational book that I'm reading. It's called "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picoult. Some of you probably think it's lame to read and recommend books, but this novel is the most intense, interesting one I've read in a very long time. It involves a teenage girl in ninth grade and her relationship with her family, people in her school, and how she handles everything that happens around her. She goes through tragedy and some of the worst possible situations imaginable for a high school student, and boys and girls combined would enjoy reading about some of these incidents that make you never want to put the book down. If anyone wants to, they can borrow it from me after I finish it!

Zach's lie is a great book :)

Right now, I am reading "Zachs Lie" by Roland Smith. I read the book over the summer, but I am rereading it so I can read the second one. The book is about a teenage boy, Zach, and his family. Unfortunetly, Zach's dad gets involved with a drug program. Zach and his family have to change everything in their lives. Where they live, their names, their appearance, even their eye color, since they are being chased by a vicious group of people. This book is one of the best books I have ever read. If you enjoy mystery and suspense, "Zach's Lie" is the book for you.


What was the homework for Mr. Gross Monday and Tuesday? I have bronchitis and can't be in school 'til Wednesday. I might even have pneumonia....

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Remember to bring your GREEN FCAT workbooks on Monday and for the rest of the week because that is what we are going to do according to the classwork page! Tuesday is SSR so bring a book to read!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith dies at 39.

Anna Nicole Smith died Thursday after her private nurse found her unresponsive in her Hollywood, Florida, hotel room. "The cause of her death was undetermined, however the investigation is still open," said Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner of Broward County Florida." At this time we don't have the results of the tests that would permit us to make this determination," he said." Our findings are limited to what we can see with our eyes." There are a number of ways Smith could have died, including natural causes, or a drug reaction.

1. How do you think Anna Nicole Smith died, do you think it was from drugs or natural causes?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Current Events?

Was some one supposed to post a current event on Tuesday? Read the classwork page to find out! Also remember to bring your Green FCAT workbook to school with you tomorrow! Have fun working in the assigned pages! :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Tomorrow's Test

I am proud (and excited!) for you to take your writing test tomorrow.
Remember those hooks, SOAPI, and word choice and you'll do just fine.
Post your prompt topic here tomorrow and let everyone know what you
You guys rock! :)

Friday, February 02, 2007



Bring a book on Tuesday for SSR ;-)

Nightmare to Flordia retirees

On an February 2, morning a disaster happened to a retirement committee. Tornadoes ripped through the community. At least 19 residents were killed in the storm. Some residents had only tiles of their roof off others had their homes destroyed. There was a church building that could with stand up to 150 mile an hour winds but it got destroyed. Officials say that this storm was worst that the 2004 hurricane.
1. What do you think might have caused the tornadoes?

Podcast Book Review

I don't want to be the only celebrity in class, so you will create your own podcasts based on book reviews. You can choose any book you'd like (providing it's SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!) and it's something that would be enjoyable for other middle school students to read.
Type up a short book review (no longer than one page double spaced), but be sure to include the following introduction:

"Hi, this is _________ with another howling book review. Today I'd like to tell you about (book name) by (book author). (At this point, you can mention any awards the book has won, etc.) "

After this brief introduction, tell what you liked (and maybe didn't like) about the book. Be sure not to give away the ending!

Perfectly Podcast-licious!

Check it out! You may recognize a voice or two....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"If they weren't college-ready by eighth grade, they didn't make it..."

The above title is a quote (and link) from a lengthy article in one of my education magazines. I know it may not seem incredibly interesting, but this article directly relates to you PLUS it mentions what we talked about today: if it ain't on the FCAT, the chances of it being thoroughly covered in school are slim.
So what do you think about eighth-grade? Too much pressure? Enough knowledge? Are you really college ready?
No grade for this--just wanted to share and hear your thoughts!
PS: Great job following directions for current events!

The moon's fate

The moon is the object that causes Earth's high and low tides. However many years probably more tan one billion years it is predicted that the moon may cause problems to Earth and possibly destroy it. The moon, as time is progressing is moving further away and also closer to Earth. While in New moon the moon comes slightly closer to Earth and in a full moon it moves slightly farther from Earth. If the Moon is predicted to continue this to a point when it is a new moon it will be 11,470 miles above the Earth.

1. What will happen if the Moon is 11,470 miles above Earth?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Phones, passengers, fatigue put teen drivers at risk

BLOOMINGTON, Illinois (AP) -- Studies find that many distractions other than drinking and driving cause fatal car accidents every year which increase the risk for teenage drivers."We need to go beyond the message of drinking and driving and also talk about the message of distractions," said Dr.Flaura Winston a cheif investigator in the study. Teenagers drive with many obstacles ranging from cell phones to passengers that add on to the thousands of fatal car crashes that occure every year. Even though 90 percent of teenagers say they never drive after drinking or doing drugs many in-car distractions are the No.1 reason of tragic accidents involving teens.

1.Do you think that there should be stricter driving requirements for teens?Explain.

2.What are some of the distractions that interfere with teens driving safely?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bush to call for 20 percent cut in gasoline use

Washington D.C.--In today's State of the Union address, President Bush will propose a plan to decrease United States' gasoline usage by 20 percent. The president has a 10-year plan to cut gasoline use which includes stricter standards on automakers and producing 35 billion gallons of renewable fuel by the year 2017. This move would be the same as taking 26 million cars off the roads of the U.S.
Bush will announce that storing up the extra fuel will give the nation a reliable backup in times of crisis.

1. How do you think this 10-year oil storage will affect our society?

2. Do you think reducing gas usage by 20 percent is a good idea? why or why not?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Castro's Recovery

MADRID, Spain - Cuban leader Fidel Castro is making a “slow but progressive” recovery although his condition is serious due to his advanced age, a Spanish doctor who has examined him said on Friday.
Castro, 80, has suffered complications after undergoing surgery to his digestive system but could return to his normal life if he manages to make a full recovery, Dr Jose Luis Garcia Sabrido said.
“I have recent information that his recovery is slow but progressive,” Garcia Sabrido, who examined Castro in Havana late last year and is a consultant to the Cuban leader’s medical team, told Reuters.
Garcia Sabrido, head of surgery at Madrid’s Gregorio Maranon hospital, said the outlook for any patient of Castro’s age who had undergone complications after surgery, was very serious.
“For a patient of his age, who has had complications after an operation, it’s always going to be a general prognosis,” Garcia Sabrido said, when asked if Castro was in a “very serious condition,” as reported by Spain’s El Pais newspaper this week.

1.) What complications did Fidel Castro have?

2.) What are your feelings on Fidel Castros situation.

Castro's Recovery

MADRID, Spain - Cuban leader Fidel Castro is making a “slow but progressive” recovery although his condition is serious due to his advanced age, a Spanish doctor who has examined him said on Friday.
Castro, 80, has suffered complications after undergoing surgery to his digestive system but could return to his normal life if he manages to make a full recovery, Dr Jose Luis Garcia Sabrido said.
“I have recent information that his recovery is slow but progressive,” Garcia Sabrido, who examined Castro in Havana late last year and is a consultant to the Cuban leader’s medical team, told Reuters.
Garcia Sabrido, head of surgery at Madrid’s Gregorio Maranon hospital, said the outlook for any patient of Castro’s age who had undergone complications after surgery, was very serious.
“For a patient of his age, who has had complications after an operation, it’s always going to be a general prognosis,” Garcia Sabrido said, when asked if Castro was in a “very serious condition,” as reported by Spain’s El Pais newspaper this week.

1.) What complications did Fidel Castro have?

2.) What are your feelings on Fidel Castros situation.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Current Event

In Buffalo, Missouri, a very severe winter storm recently changed the lives of many. There were three different shelters throughout Missouri. By Saturday, the town lost all of it's power. Approximately 450,000 homes and businesses still remain without power. 50 people were injured from the storm, throughout nine different states. About 92,000 homes and businesses also remain without electricity, and the power may not be restored until next week. Unfortunetly, this will be a storm to remember.

1. We all experienced the severe events of hurricane Wilma. What do you think is a major difference between a snow storm and a hurricane?

2. What is one thing you could do to contribute to the harsh effects of this storm?

The link:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, facing opposition from both parties over his plan to send more troops to Iraq, said he has the authority to act no matter what Congress wants.
"I fully understand they could try to stop me from doing it. But I've made my decision. And we're going forward," Bush told CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview to air Sunday night.
Vice President Dick Cheney asserted that lawmakers' criticism will not influence Bush's plans and he dismissed any effort to "run a war by committee."
"The president is the commander in chief. He's the one who has to make these tough decisions," Cheney said.
The defiant White House stance comes as both the House and Senate, now controlled by Democrats, prepare to vote on resolutions that oppose additional U.S. troops in Iraq. Cheney said those nonbinding votes would not affect Bush's ability to carry out his policies.
"He's the guy who's got to decide how to use the force and where to deploy the force," Cheney said. "And Congress obviously has to support the effort through the power of the purse. So they've got a role to play, and we certainly recognize that. But you also cannot run a war by committee."
Any attempts to block Bush's efforts would undermine the troops, Cheney said. He took particular aim at Democratic lawmakers who have blasted the president for increasing troops despite opposition from Congress, military advisers and a disgruntled electorate that in November ousted the Republicans as the majority party on Capitol Hill.
"They have absolutely nothing to offer in its place," Cheney said of Democratic leaders. "I have yet to hear a coherent policy from the Democratic side."
Yet many Republican lawmakers, too, have begun to criticize Bush's war management. Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, for example, said last week he feared Bush's plan would be the worst foreign policy blunder since the Vietnam War.
Responding to that, Cheney said the most dangerous blunder would be to give up on the global fight against terrorism because the United States has decided the war in Iraq is too difficult. That is just what America's terrorist enemies are counting on, he said.
"They're convinced that the United States will pack it in and go home if they just kill enough of us," Cheney said. "They can't beat us in a standup fight, but they think they can break our will."
Bush announced last week he will send 21,500 more troops to Iraq to halt violence, mainly around Baghdad, as an essential step toward stabilizing the country's government. That plan -- along with economic and political steps -- are meant to allow Iraqis to move ahead with securing the country themselves and allow U.S. troops to gradually return home. (Full story)
Like Bush, though, Cheney said Americans need to look at the war in Iraq as part of a much longer effort.
"This is an existential conflict," Cheney said. "It is the kind of conflict that's going to drive our policy and our government for the next 20 or 30 or 40 years. We have to prevail and we have to have the stomach for the fight long term."
The White House also said Sunday that Iranians are aiding the insurgency in Iraq and the U.S. has the authority to pursue them because they "put our people at risk."
"We are going to need to deal with what Iran is doing inside Iraq," national security adviser Stephen Hadley said.
Added Cheney: "Iran is fishing in troubled waters inside Iraq."
The U.S. military in Baghdad said five Iranians arrested in northern Iraq last week were connected to an Iranian Revolutionary Guard faction that funds and arms insurgents in Iraq.
"We do not want them doing what they can to destabilize the situation inside Iraq," Cheney said.
Bush's revised war strategy seeks to isolate Iran and Syria, which the U.S. has accused of fueling attacks in Iraq. The president also says Iran and Syria have not done enough to block terrorists from entering Iraq over their borders.
"We know there are jihadists moving from Syria into Iraq. ... We know also that Iran is supplying elements in Iraq that are attacking Iraqis and attacking our forces," Hadley said.
"What the president made very clear is these are activities that are going on in Iraq that are unacceptable. They put our people at risk. He said very clearly that we will take action against those. We will interdict their operations, we will disrupt their supply lines, we will disrupt these attacks," Hadley said.
"We are going to need to deal with what Iran is doing inside Iraq."
Iran's government denied the five detainees were involved in financing and arming insurgents and said they should be released.
Hadley was interviewed on "This Week" on ABC and "Meet the Press" on NBC. Cheney was on "Fox News Sunday."
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

1.) Do you think that President should send more troops to Iraq?

2.)Do you think it is fair that the troops dont have a choice because the President is Commander in Chief?

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Is it just me, or did SOMEONEEE forget to post a current event! :]

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hussein Comments

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments in regards to CMF's current events. Many of you have strong feelings about the death penalty, which you articulated quite well in your answers.
I appreciate your respect towards your classmates, despite the various opinions. This is exactly how a class blog should be used--Nice job!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bloggers of 2007

For the theme maybe we could do something linked to the new year the mascot thing could be fireworks or something for the new year and the background could be silver and the type could be blue. Just anything about the new year could be put on.

"Pimp My Potty"

This isn't your "real" current events assignment (look for the real one somewhere here....) but this video from MSNBC News was too good to not share with you. Click the title for the link.
My son thinks it is hysterical and wishes he too could have an XBox attached to the toilet....Keep dreaming, kiddo! :)

Officials: Bush upset by Hussein hanging video

After seeing the Saddam Hussein execution video President George W. Bush said he is upset.He said that after seeing the Prisoners in Abu Ghraib it upset him too. Bush said it was a "Dark grainy video".

1. What feeling do you have about Saddam Husseins death?

2. Do you agree or disagree with his execution? Should he have been left in prison all his life? Or have been executed in a diffrent way?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I think the blog could be called the brigade bloggers , like the the name , its somthing different.
The colors for the new blog could be a silver background with a dark bluish font. The picture can be like 2 warhammers within each other like an X .But in a cool lookimh way .

21st century blog

Like I had suggested in class, I think we should do a 21st century blog because we live in the 21st century (duh) and really anything we decide to make a theme about would fall under that name. Also, we all have our own preferences so this way we're all happy. If you're still not getting this I'll give an example. For the picture where the beast picture in the santa hat is we can find a collage on the web that has all aspects of 21st century culture...That includes rock, country, rap, and all other kinds of stuff that is happening right now.

This is just an idea, but I think it's the easiest there is to make everyone happy.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year, New Beast

Happy New Year, guys! I hope you are enjoying your winter vacation. Anyone up to anything special or unusual? I'm going on a short cruise in a few days, so hopefully I'll come back to school with a tan, no stress, and ready to buckle down for.....yes, the FCAT. Get ready, because the next six weeks are going to be chock full or work and writing.

In the spirit of a new year, I'm requiring all of the classes to come up with a new name and design for their blog beore my FETC conference at the end of January. I'm going to be showcasing your blogs at a state conference, and I want us to put our best blogging foot forward.

So I want you to (maturely) discuss any new color scheme/mascot/design/name you'd like to have on your blog. Post your ideas to the blog, and then comment on your classmates' suggestions in a constructive manner. Really jazz it up!

Here's the hard part: you have to agree as a group. So if someone doesn't think your ideas are the best, that's OK. (I have ideas shot down all the time!) But work hard to be persuasive to convince everyone, including me. (As the supreme ruler of this blogland, I have final say on what's final. So no "gangsta" "ballin'" or otherwise misspelled/misused terminology, OK?)

The class whose blog is the most original by January 12 wins 5 extra points on their blog assignment for third quarter.

Now get blogging!